Apr 28Liked by Sarah Bourns Crosby

I am in a season of tilling where what was there is being uprooted. Those crops were good, but they are over now. A green stock still dots the field here and there, but most is gone. This is a hard time because we don’t know when or what the Farmer will plant next. It is not up to us. It is a time of waiting and trusting that He does have plans and they will be good. It is also a time for rest. A time to breathe a little before the tiring work of growth occurs. “Rest, Child. As the field rests between seasons, so you can rest. I will return with the seeds when it is time.” Love, the Farmer.

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Apr 25Liked by Sarah Bourns Crosby

Thank you for this. It is very timely as I’m in a season where I’m looking for the beauty in the pain more than other times of life. It’s painful but I’ve also felt freerer and can reappreciate small beauties in deeper ways than before

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Sarah Bourns Crosby

Thank you so much for this poem/practice/prayer. Needed this.

I’m definitely still in a dark night season, like a seed placed deep in the dark soil. I’ve been here now almost two years. I know the Lord is with me, though it’s still quiet, cold and lonely. I have to hold to hope. I cling to His presence. I need Him more than anything like a seed needs water and eventually the sun. I’m just waiting. Letting Him do His work in me, and not giving up.


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Apr 24Liked by Sarah Bourns Crosby

I literally have been telling myself this week this season is about tilling!

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My current season... It's been quiet over here lately, just listening and living and letting some seeds bury a little deeper. I do see new growth beginning to sprout up in patches. I have plenty of dreams and hope for future fruit but I think it's all just a "not yet" for now.

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